MPIN नम्बर सधैँ सुरक्षित राख्नका लागि केही महत्त्वपूर्ण टिप्सहरू

अहिलेको डिजिटल युगमा सबै कुरा एकदम सजिलो भएको छ। पहिले पहिले धेरै समय लाग्ने कुराहरू पनि अहिले तुरुन्तै हुन्छ। सामानको किनमेल होस् या त्यो सामानको पैसा सजिलै भुक्तानी गर्नलाई होस्, […]

Buy Life Insurance FAQs

What is the eligible age to apply for life insurance? Anyone of age 11 years or more and less than 60 years are eligible to buy the plan. Can one […]

Successfully contributed meals to 510 underprivileged people

Our contribution for fight against Corona continues by providing free meals to those in need.

Buy One, Feed One initiative by eSewa in association with Dalle!

Order your meals from Dalle and use eSewa Scan to Pay for contactless payments. For each one of your purchase, we will be feed one meal to the needy ones.

Corona Virus संक्रमण राेकथाम, नियन्त्रण तथा उपचारका लागि सहयाेग पुर्‍याउनुहाेस् ।

इसेवाले रू. ५,००,००० जम्मा गरिसकेका छाैँ, तपाईं पनि सक्दाे सहयाेग पुर्‍याउनुहाेस्